KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: A Conversation with Peter Lee on What’s Next for the ACA

“[Kaiser Health News chief Washington correspondent Julie Rovner:] So Covered California operates very differently from most of the other state-based marketplaces. And, as a result, it has done a better job covering more people at lower premiums than I think any other state, right? [Executive Director of Covered California, the largest state-run ACA marketplace, Peter Lee:] Absolutely. Well, lower premiums relative to where we start. California’s an expensive state, but our premiums in California in the last seven years went up about 45%. Nationally, they went up about 80%. So we’ve seen premiums increase dramatically. But you’re right, we’ve done … Read More

Metric Myopia — Trading Away Our Clinical Judgment

Excerpt – The perception that practice variation signals quality deficiencies remains foundational to the pursuit of “high value” care. But if value is defined as quality divided by cost, measuring value faces all the same problems as measuring quality — flawed risk adjustment, metric gaming, omission of the many aspects of quality that defy measurement. So why do we continue to embrace these flawed constructs, particularly when it’s not clear that the current regulatory approach serves patients or clinicians? [president of the Commonwealth Fund David] Blumenthal offers international context: “The French, the Brits, the Swedes — they don’t torture their … Read More

Don’t Look Up? Medicare Advantage’s Trajectory And the Future of Medicare

“short of comprehensive reform by Congress, CMS may find it challenging to build value in Medicare over this decade if TM’s [traditional Medicare] scaffolding erodes [due to the rise of Medicare Advantage (MA)]. Much can be done under CMS’s existing authorities to promote efficiency and equity, but, under Medicare’s present configuration, that requires preservation of TM. Without substantive legislative reform on the horizon, regulatory policy will thus need to keep the long view in mind, lest several years of inertia set in motion an unalterable course to a lesser outcome. [..] MA has been clearly successful in managing utilization more … Read More

Where Americans Die – Is There Really “No Place Like Home”?

“In 2017, a total of 31% of Americans died at home, making it the most common site of death for the first time in decades. In the United States, we tend to believe that someone who died “peacefully at home, surrounded by family” (as the obituaries put it) has had a good death. Yet reality frequently diverges from this scenario. Unprepared family caregivers are routinely tasked with managing distressing symptoms (including pain, agitation, and dyspnea), administering medications, and providing intimate personal care (including bathing and toileting assistance) to bedbound patients. In other care settings, these tasks are performed by trained … Read More

How Did This Many Deaths Become Normal?

“The United States reported more deaths from COVID-19 last Friday than deaths from Hurricane Katrina, more on any two recent weekdays than deaths during the 9/11 terrorist attacks, more last month than deaths from flu in a bad season, and more in two years than deaths from HIV during the four decades of the AIDS epidemic. At least 953,000 Americans have died from COVID, and the true toll is likely even higher because many deaths went uncounted. COVID is now the third leading cause of death in the U.S., after only heart disease and cancer, which are both catchall terms … Read More

The Biden Administration Killed America’s Collective Pandemic Approach

“Coronavirus case numbers are in free fall; vaccines and, to a lesser degree, viral infections have built up a wall of immunity that can blunt the virus’s impact overall. Several experts stressed that certain aspects of the CDC’s new guidelines are genuinely improving on the framework the country was using before. “The timing feels right to make some kind of change,” Whitney Robinson, an epidemiologist at Duke University, told me. But protection against SARS-CoV-2 isn’t spread equally. Millions of kids under 5 are still ineligible for shots. Vaccine effectiveness declines faster in older individuals and is patchy to begin with … Read More

Association of Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances With Opioid Prescribing Rates

“[Introduction] In this study, we aim to build on the existing research by analyzing the association of the adoption of EPCS [electronic prescribing of controlled substances] with opioid prescribing across the United States. We specifically examine trends in the adoption and use of EPCS and 2 measures of opioid prescribing across the United States from 2010 to 2018. In doing so, we aim to provide policy makers, prescribers, and patients with evidence of the association of the use of EPCS with the opioid epidemic. [..] [Methods] [..] We used data from annual reports published by Surescripts, a near-monopoly supplier of … Read More

Building a Better Clinician Value-Based Payment Program in Medicare

“The QPP [Medicare Quality Payment Program] has 2 tracks: (1) the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), which is the default track, and (2) the advanced alternative payment models track, which includes novel payment models like accountable care organizations (ACOs). Both tracks reward or penalize clinicians based on their performance on cost and quality measures. The initial results on the MIPS, which accounted for 95.7% of participating clinicians in the first year (2019), were disappointing from a social equity and quality improvement perspective. Studies that examined publicly reported data from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) showed that clinicians who … Read More

Trends in Diagnosis Related Groups for Inpatient Admissions and Associated Changes in Payment From 2012 to 2016

“[Introduction] [..] There are a total of 761 Medicare Severity–DRGs [Diagnosis Related Group], which are organized into families (eg, heart failure) with 2 or 3 levels, most commonly with a base Medicare Severity–DRG (hereafter referred to as DRG) and 1 or 2 higher-complexity DRGs. Assignment to these latter DRGs occurs if 1 or more complications or comorbidities (CC) or major complications or comorbidities (MCC) are present. Of importance, hospital payment for DRGs with CCs or MCCs is often substantially greater. For example, payment for DRG 291 (heart failure and shock with MCC) is approximately twice that for DRG 293 (heart … Read More

International Reference Pricing: A Lazy, Misguided, Bi-Partisan Plan To Lower US Drug Prices

“Recent legislative proposals, including US Senate Bill S.2543, US House of Representatives Bill HR 3, and various Trump Administration proposals and plans, have advanced some form of international reference pricing (IRP) to lower drug prices. As its name suggests, IRP seeks to benchmark US drug prices to prices of similar or comparable drugs in other counties. Some proposals would have the federal government develop a reference price index based on prices paid by a select group of high-income countries, and then restrict prices to a narrow range of the index. [..] American drug pricing policy rewards large capital investments and … Read More