Trends in Subsidized and Unsubsidized Enrollment: October 9, 2020

“This report provides data on individual health insurance market enrollment trends for people who purchase health insurance with (subsidized) and without (unsubsidized) advanced premium tax credits (APTC).

  • From plan years 2016 to 2019, unsubsidized enrollment declined by 2.8 million people, representing a 45 percent drop nationally. At the state level, the percentage change in unsubsidized enrollment over this period ranged from a 4
    percent drop in Rhode Island to a 90 percent drop in Iowa.
  • [..] average monthly enrollment across the individual market nationally decreased by 3 percent between 2018 and 2019. Eighty percent of the decrease in enrollment between 2018 and 2019 occurred among people who did not receive APTC subsidies. Unsubsidized enrollment declined by 9 percent, compared to only a 1 percent decrease in subsidized enrollment, from 2018 to 2019.
  • Though unsubsidized enrollment continued to decline in 2019, the rate of decline was substantially lower than the 24 percent drop in 2018 and the 20 percent drop in 2017. This lower rate of decline occurred as premium rates leveled off in 2019, after increasing by double-digits in 2017 and 2018.
  • Average monthly enrollment in the subsidized portion of the market grew substantially in comparison to the unsubsidized market. The subsidized portion of the market was 140 percent larger than the unsubsidized portion in 2019, up from 122 percent larger in 2018 and 61 percent in 2017.”

Full report, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services